Anti-adeno-associated viral vector (AAV) neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) can ablate efficacy of transgene expression following intravenous vector administration. This observation in both preclinical and clinical trials has led to exclusion of NAb-positive patients from receiving AAV gene therapy. AAV drug development includes selection of capsids with lower NAb seroprevalence that also possess other favorable traits. Often a limited number of healthy volunteers are screened to gauge NAb seroprevalence. However, limited data sets can be biased leading to inaccurate estimates of NAb incidence. In this study, we evaluated AAV NAbs against a panel of vectors among healthy donors within the United States. While the overall seroprevalence against most AAVs was lower, we did observe increased NAb incidence among black and Hispanic donors. These findings of increased NAb seroprevalence among the minority races were confirmed in a second set of donors who also demonstrated higher seroprevalence among these races. Interracial- and intraracial differences within genders were also observed among donors. The increased incidence of AAV NAb among racial minorities was unexpected. Our findings underscore the need for removing bias in sample data sets and evaluating seroprevalence within the patient population while selecting capsids.
Keywords: AAV; neutralizing antibodies; race; seroprevalence.