Previous studies could elaborate a link between attentional processes and eye blinking in both visual and auditory attention tasks. Here we show that this link is active at a fundamental level of perception: presentation of a series of bare sine tones is sufficient to induce a modulation of temporal blink patterns, allowing to determine which series was presented to participants even when they are not required to interactively engage in processing the auditory input. In particular, we monitored eye blinking during an auditory attention task using two series of sine tones, differing in the predictability of the timing of tone onsets. Whereas inter-onset intervals in one tone series corresponded to uncorrelated samples from a normal distribution, they were distributed according to a Gaussian random walk in the other tone series. We find that blink patterns are dynamically modulated by both purely auditory inputs. The magnitude, form, and coherence of the temporal associations between tone onsets and blink events depend strongly on the requirement to respond to the presented stimuli. The predictability of the tone series appears to modulate pre-stimulus blink inhibition given that a response is required. Altogether, these findings suggest eye blink as a readily available, non-invasive behavioral marker for context-sensitive, moment-to-moment allocation of attention.
Keywords: Auditory attention task; Behavioral marker; Eye blinking; Motor response; Perception; Predictability; Synchronization.
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.