This study examined the contribution of food to nutrient intake, meal and dietary patterns among children aged 4-8 and 9-13 years in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria. Multi-pass 24-hour dietary recalls were used to assess intakes. Prudent and traditional Southwestern Nigerian dietary patterns were identified among children. The top foods and beverages were defined by frequency and amount consumed. Meal patterns were described by the eating occasions, while cluster analysis probed dietary patterns. About 88% of children had at least three meals including breakfast (95%), lunch (85%), dinner (92%) and midmorning meals (48%), while about 60% ate snacks at least once daily. Sources of energy and key nutrients were limited (yam, cassava, rice, maize, bread and beans/peas/legumes). The amount consumed per consumer of cassava products (192.2, 256.0 g), yam (169.7, 256.0 g), legumes (115.3, 150.7 g), corn/maize (160.4, 195.2), and rice (138.4, 182.3 g) were high, while beef (15.2, 17.9 g), eggs (50.6, 49.2 g), fish (27.5, 30.6 g), milk (24.2, 27.0 g) and nuts and seeds (18.2, 19.7 g) were low for children ages 4-8 and 9-13 years, respectively. In conclusion, while the frequency of meals suggests a healthy pattern, the top foods could not provide adequate nutrient (especially micronutrient) intake, which is key to the development of the target population.
Keywords: Nigeria; child nutrition; children 4–13 years; dietary patterns; eating occasions; food sources; nutrients.