The temperature dependence of the fluorescence of the Y-base of tRNAPhe (yeast) was investigated kinetically by the temperature jump method. In the range between -15 degrees C and +30 degrees C A NOVEL CONFORMATIONAL TRANSITION OF THE TRNA could be characterized. This conformational change was found in the absence of any artificial label; it is a characteristic property of tRNAPhe in its native structure. This transition accounts for 30% of the total fluorescence change. Its activation enthalpy is 16 kcal/mole (67 kJ/mole), and the transition enthalpy is between -2 kcal/mole and +2 kcal/mole (+/-8 kJ/mole). A model is represented in which this transition can be explained by a a change in the stacking pattern of the anticodon loop. The experimental findings are discussed with respect to several hypotheses about the molecular mechanism of protein biosynthesis which postulate conformational rearrangements of the anticodon loop.