Aim: To describe the state of health of Quebec nursing staff during the pandemic according to their exposure to COVID-19, work-related characteristics and sociodemographic factors (gender, generational age group). State of health was captured essentially by assessing psychological distress, depression symptoms and fatigue.
Design and methods: A large-scale cross-sectional study was conducted with 1,708 nurses and licenced practical nurses in Quebec (87% women, mean age of 41 ± 11 years). The survey included several questionnaires and validated health-related scales (psychological distress, depression symptoms and fatigue). The STROBE guidelines were followed in reporting the study's findings.
Results: Results showed that the prevalence of psychological distress and depression symptoms was moderate to severe. Women, generation Xers and Yers, nurses who cared for COVID-19 patients and those with a colleague who was infected with COVID-19 at work scored higher for fatigue, psychological distress and depression.
Keywords: COVID-19; cross-sectional study; depression; fatigue; nurses; psychological distress.
© 2022 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.