Light simplified cultivation and high quality rice are the main directions of rice production in China. Meteorological factors are the most important environmental factors affecting rice growth and yield. Few studies examined the relationship between rice yield and microclimate under different light simplified cultivation modes. To explore the relationship between rice yield and climatic factors (temperature, sunshine and water) at different growth stages of hybrid rice under different forecrops in southwest China, we carried out a split-plot design experiment in 2019 and 2020, with two forecrops of green cabbage and rape as the main plot, and three planting methods, direct-seeding, blanket-transplanting, and artificial transplanting as the subplots, taking Yixiangyou 2115 as the experimental variety. Results showed that compared with rape-paddy cropping system, cabbage-paddy cropping system significantly improved the accumulated temperature and precipitation production efficiency and consequently improved the effective panicles, setting rate, and 1000-grain weight. The yield was increased by 12.7% and 8.3% under cabbage-paddy and rape-paddy cropping system, respectively. Compared with manual transplanting, mechanical transplanting improved effective panicles, production efficiency of radiation, accumulated temperature and precipitation, and the radiation use efficiency of grain during the whole growth period. The mean yield was increased by 4.6% in 2019 and 2020. However, the above parameters of direct-seeding significantly decreased, but the yield decreased by 8.7%. Compared with 2019, mechanical transplanting and artificial transplanting were sown one month earlier in 2020 under the same stubble, which shortened growth period, reduced air temperature, and increased precipitation after flowering, leading to a significant decrease in effective accumulated temperature and light radiation; production efficiency of accumulated temperature, light energy, and precipitation; and utilization efficiency of light energy of grain, spikelets per panicle, setting rate, and 1000-grain weight. However, the yield was significantly reduced. Partial least squares regression analysis was used to establish the production forecast equation of standardized regression coefficients of meteorological factors. There was a positive correlation between rice yield and effective accumulated temperature and total radiation during the growth stage or the whole growth period. In addition, there was a significant negative correlation between rice yield and precipitation during the whole growth period. In conclusion, mechanical transplanting under cabbage-paddy cropping system was a rice planting method that optimised the seasonal sunshine and temperature resources in southwest China. The method facilitated the full utilization of temperature and sunshine resources, resulting in high yield. However, it was not advisable to sow or transplant too early.
轻简化栽培和优质稻是当前我国水稻生产的主要方向,气象因子是对水稻生长发育和产量形成影响最大的环境因素,但在不同轻简化栽植方式下水稻产量与其田间小气候的关系鲜有研究。为探究西南地区不同前作下杂交稻各生育阶段温、光和水等气候因子与水稻产量形成的关系,在2019—2020年,以杂交籼稻‘宜香优2115'为试验材料,采用两因素裂区设计,主区为青菜和油菜2种前作,副区为机直播、毯苗机插和人工移栽3种栽植方式,研究杂交稻产量对气候因子的响应及水稻植株对温光资源的利用。结果表明: 与油菜-水稻模式相比,青菜-水稻模式下杂交稻积温生产效率和降水生产效率显著提高,进而提高了有效穗数、结实率和千粒重,2年产量分别提高了12.7%和8.3%。与人工移栽相比,机插稻提高了单位面积有效穗数、全生育期光能生产效率、积温生产效率、籽粒光能利用效率和降水生产效率,2年平均产量提高了4.6%;而机直播全生育期降水生产效率、光能生产效率、积温生产效率、籽粒光能利用效率、每穗粒数和千粒重都显著降低,导致2年平均产量下降了8.7%。与2019年相比,2020年机插稻和人工移栽稻在同一茬口下提前一个月播种造成花后生育期缩短、气温降低和降雨量增多,导致有效积温和光辐射量大幅减少,积温生产效率、光能生产效率、降水生产效率和籽粒光能利用效率以及每穗粒数、结实率和千粒重均大幅降低,进而导致产量严重降低。用偏最小二乘法回归分析建立的气象因子产量预报方程标准化回归系数显示,水稻产量与阶段生育期或全生育期内有效积温和总辐射量呈正相关关系,与全生育期内降水量呈显著负相关关系。综上,青菜-水稻模式下机插秧与西南地区稻季光温资源匹配度最高,更有利于温光资源的充分利用和获得高产,但不宜过早播种或移栽。.
Keywords: planting method; rice; stubble; utilization of temperature and light resources; yield.