In the era of widespread use of antiretroviral therapy (ART), people with HIV (PWH) have a near-normal life expectancy. However, PWH have high rates of kidney diseases and progression to end-stage renal disease at a younger age. PWH have multiple risks for developing acute and chronic kidney diseases, including traditional risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and HIV-related factors such as HIV-associated nephropathy and increased susceptibility to infections and exposure to nephrotoxic medications. Despite an improvement in access to kidney transplant among PWH, the number of PWH on dialysis continues to increase. The expansion of the number of antiretrovirals (ARVs) and kidney replacement modalities, the absence of pharmacokinetic data, and therapeutic drug monitoring make it very challenging for providers to dose ARVs appropriately leading to medication errors, adverse events, and higher mortality. Most of the recommendations are either based on small sample size studies or extrapolated based on physiochemical characteristics of ART. We aim to review the most available and most current literature on ART in PWH with renal insufficiency and ART dosing recommendations on dialysis to ensure that PWH are provided with the safest and most effective ART regimen.
Keywords: HIV; antiretroviral; continuous renal replacement therapy; dialysis; hemodialysis; peritoneal dialysis.