Background: This study examined three methods for retrospectively identifying infection in emergency department (ED) patients: modified objective definitions of infection (MODI) from the CDC/NHSN, physician adjudication determination of infection, and ED treating physician behavior.
Methods: This study used a subset of data from a prospective sepsis trial. We used Fleiss's Kappa to compare agreement between two physicians retrospectively adjudicating infection based on the patient's medical record, modified infection definition from the CDC/NHSN, and ED treating physician behavior.
Results: Overall, there was similar agreement between physician adjudication of infection and MODI criteria (Kappa=0.59) compared to having two physicians independently identify infection through retrospective chart review (Kappa=0.58). ED treating physician behavior was a poorer proxy for infection when compared to the MODI criteria (0.41) and physician adjudication (Kappa = 0.50).
Conclusions: Retrospective identification of infection poses a significant challenge in sepsis clinical trials. Using modified definitions of infection provides a standardized, less time consuming, and equally effective means of identifying infection compared to having multiple physicians adjudicate a patient's chart.
Keywords: Agreement; Concordance; Infection; Pneumonia; Sepsis.
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.