The Italian government on the 8th of march in response to the increased global prevalenceof severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) stated a national quarantine. In this period the absence of rapid and sure screening tests for COVID-19 made necessary more attention for presence of fever in hospitalized patients, like continuous use of surgical, FFP2, and FFP3 masks (PPE) by nurses, physicians, and patients; moreover, patients visits were restricted. In this period, during the daily activities in our orthopedic department we observed an empirical decreased incidence of post-operative fever in patients admitted for trauma surgery. The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence of post-operative fever in this period with the same period in 2019. We analyzed the presence of post-operative fever in 110 patients admitted in 2020 and 129 admitted in 2019. The results show a significant decrease of the prevalence and duration of post-operative fever in patients admitted in 2020. This study evidenced that the use of PPE and limitation in external access to the hospital decrease postoperative fever in hospitalized patients undergone surgery for fracture.
Keywords: COVID-19; PPE; SARS-CoV-2; fractured patients; postoperative fever.