Citrobacter species are often present in the stools of children and are generally considered a normal component of the intestinal microflora. Previous reports suggested that they might act as enteric pathogens. Aiming at defining the role of Citrobacter species in inducing diarrhea, we looked for their presence in the stools of 328 children with diarrhea and in 108 controls. Citrobacter strains were isolated from 46 patients (14%) and 7 controls (6.5%) (P less than 0.05). All isolates were tested for heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxin. No LT-producing organisms were found. Three C. freundii strains, all isolated from children with diarrhea, elaborated an enterotoxin detected by the suckling mouse assay. A crude extract was prepared by acetone precipitation and a sequential ultrafiltration technique. The enterotoxin was heat stable, and its estimated molecular weight was between 2,000 and 10,000. Citrobacter enterotoxin was soluble in methanol and stable at acid and neutral pHs but not above pH 8, and its activity was destroyed by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol. Citrobacter enterotoxin was inactive in the 18-h rabbit ileal loop test. All these characteristics closely resemble STa produced by Escherichia coli. The time course of Citrobacter enterotoxin-induced intestinal secretion in suckling mice was similar to that of E. coli STa. The enterotoxin produced by C. freundii cross-reacted with monoclonal antibodies raised against E. coli STa. These results suggest that C. freundii is capable of inducing diarrhea through the production of an E. coli-like STa, and its presence in the stools of patients with diarrhea should be considered as that of a possible etiologic agent.