Breast milk is a complex mixture containing underexplored bioactive lipids. We performed an observational case-control study to compare the impact of delivery mode: caesarean section (CS) and vaginal birth (VB); and term (preterm and term delivery) on the levels of lipokines in human milk at different stages of lactation. Metabolomic analysis of the milk identified triacylglycerol estolides as a metabolic reservoir of the anti-inflammatory lipid mediator 5-palmitic acid ester of hydroxystearic acid (5-PAHSA). We found that triacylglycerol estolides were substrates of carboxyl ester lipase and 5-PAHSA-containing lipids were the least preferred substrates among tested triacylglycerol estolide isomers. This explained exceptionally high colostrum levels of 5-PAHSA in the VB group. CS and preterm birth negatively affected colostrum lipidome, including 5-PAHSA levels, but the lipidomic profiles normalized in mature milk. Mothers delivering term babies vaginally produce colostrum rich in 5-PAHSA, which could contribute to the prevention of intestinal inflammation in newborns.
Keywords: Colostrum; Elective caesarean section; Human breast milk; Lipidomics; PAHSA; Preterm birth.
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