Virtual screening-based approaches to discover initial hit and lead compounds have the potential to reduce both the cost and time of early drug discovery stages, as well as to find inhibitors for even challenging target sites such as protein-protein interfaces. Here in this review, we provide an overview of the progress that has been made in virtual screening methodology and technology on multiple fronts in recent years. The advent of ultra-large virtual screens, in which hundreds of millions to billions of compounds are screened, has proven to be a powerful approach to discover highly potent hit compounds. However, these developments are just the tip of the iceberg, with new technologies and methods emerging to propel the field forward. Examples include novel machine-learning approaches, which can reduce the computational costs of virtual screening dramatically, while progress in quantum-mechanical approaches can increase the accuracy of predictions of various small molecule properties.
Keywords: ADMET; Drug discovery; Ligand preparation; Machine learning; Molecular docking; Quantum chemistry; Structure-based virtual screens; Ultra-large virtual screens.
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