Schottky barrier diodes, developed by low-cost techniques and low temperature processes (LTP-SBD), have gained attention for different kinds of novel applications, including flexible electronic fabrication. This work analyzes the behavior of the I-V characteristic of solution processed, ZnO Schottky barrier diodes, fabricated at a low temperature. It is shown that the use of standard extraction methods to determine diode parameters in these devices produce significant dispersion of the ideality factor with values from 2.2 to 4.1, as well as a dependence on the diode area without physical meaning. The analysis of simulated I-V characteristic of LTP-SBD, and its comparison with experimental measurements, confirmed that it is necessary to consider the presence of a density of states (DOS) in the semiconductor gap, to understand specific changes observed in their performance, with respect to standard SBDs. These changes include increased values of Rs, as well as its dependence on bias, an important reduction of the diode current and small rectification values (RR). Additionally, it is shown that the standard extraction methodologies cannot be used to obtain diode parameters of LTP-SBD, as it is necessary to develop adequate parameter extraction methodologies for them.
Keywords: Schottky barrier diodes; semiconductor defects; solution-processing electronics; zinc oxide films.