The growth response during the first and second years of human growth hormone (hGH) treatment was studied in 14 prepubertal children with so-called "partial" GH deficiency (peak GH between 8 and 15 mU/l) and compared to 28 prepubertal children with "total" GH deficiency (peak GH less than 8 mU/l). There was no difference in growth acceleration between children with partial and total GH deficiency, when initial covariables were taken into account. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis initial stature, pre-treatment growth velocity and skinfold thickness were shown to be most related to growth response, but after exclusion of 3 children with a genetic form of total GH deficiency and partial TSH deficiency this relationship was lost. GH levels during provocation tests and auxological criteria have a poor predictive value for growth response to hGH therapy.