1 Center of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Location Amsterdam, Amsterdam Infection & Immunity, Amsterdam Public Health, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Institut für Tropenmedizin, German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany; Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine (IDM), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL), Lambaréné, Gabon; Masanga Medical Research Unit, Masanga, Sierra Leone. Electronic address: m.p.grobusch@amsterdamumc.nl.
2 Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA; The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, New York, NY, USA.