A series of one hundred and thirteen cases of supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SPCL) is presented with the description of the surgical technic. All the patients, previously untreated, were decanulated. The deglutition was eventually normal in 97.2% of those treated by SCPL with circo-hyoido-epiglottopexy (CHEP) and in 95.5% after SCPL with crico-hyoido-pexy (CHP). The carcinologic results are presented. The actuarial survival rate at 3 years was 86.5%, after SPCL with CHEP and 71.4% after SCPL with CHP. At 5 years the actuarial survival was 66.3% after SCPL with CHP. The surgical indications are discussed according to the tumor site: vestibular carcinomas should be treated by SCPL with CHP and glottic carcinomas by SCPL with CHEP. A tumor extension beyond the superior border of the cricoid cartilage precludes these surgical procedures.