Without question, patients who have urologic cancers have had marked and significant improvements in the therapies available and, as well, there is an improved survival since the last symposium sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The authors are concerned that new results and advances frequently found in cancer centers and university hospitals may not always be promptly reflected in the community. To measure the technical transfer or scientific transfer, the American College of Surgeons successfully conducted national surveys of the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The analysis of such data has shown that between 1970 and 1983 the 2-year survival of nonseminomatous testicular cancer to have been improved from 74% to 92%. Similarly recorded improvements have been documented for both localized and regionalized prostatic cancer from 1974 through 1984 in some cases where the improvements have exceeded an improvement in 5-year survival rate exceeding a net 10%. Further details of the various urologic cancers, with respect to new treatments, techniques for dealing with recurrence, both local and distant, are enumerated at this issue and justify, without question, the basis for reasonable optimism and out anticipations for continued improvement.