Neohygrocybe pseudoingrata, a new waxcap species known from Slovakia and the Czech Republic, is characterised by its pale greyish coloured and often robust basidiomata (or sporocarps), nitrous smell, context without colour changes, hollow, contorted and compressed stipe and smooth or slightly fibrillose pileus surface. Based on morphology and DNA analysis of ITS and LSU sequences of the collected specimens, N. pseudoingrata belongs to Neohygrocybe sect. Neohygrocybe together with N. ovina, N. nitrata and N. ingrata. Collections of N. pseudoingrata form a well-supported clade in phylogenetic trees. Citation: Fuljer F, Zajac M, Boertmann D, Szabóová D, Kautmanová I (2022). Neohygrocybe pseudoingrata, a new grassland species from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 9: 11-17. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2022.09.02.
Keywords: Agaricomycetes; Hygrophoraceae; Waxcaps; grasslands; meadows; new taxon.
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