Background: The transsphenoidal approach to the skull base has enjoyed increasing popularity for surgery of the sellar region avoiding brain retraction and causing few severe complications. While vitally important vessels in this region show a high degree of variability, some anatomical variants might be involved in characteristic complications.
Observations: We present the case of a 40-year-old female patient with acromegaly due to a pituitary adenoma that was transsphenoidally operated. Postoperatively, the patient presented with bilateral unresponsive mydriasis, loss of consciousness and tetraparesis. An MRI showed well-circumscribed bilateral paramedian thalamic infarctions which indicated a rare Percheron-like artery. At 2-year follow-up examination the patient was dramatically improved but with a profound impact on her ability to interact with the world.
Lessons: The basilar artery or perforators might be injured during dissection of suprasellar lesions. This vascular territory is essential to interaction of the brain with the outside world. We conclude that we will approach future suprasellar adenomas strictly intracapsularly.
Keywords: Percheron; bithalamic infarctions; pituitary surgery; transsphenoidal surgery.