Increasing rates of penetrating trauma in the United States makes rapid identification of hemorrhagic shock, coagulopathy, and early initiation of balanced resuscitation in injured children of critical importance. Hemorrhagic shock begins early after injury and can be challenging to identify in children, as hypotension is a late sign that a child is on the verge of circulatory collapse and should be aggressively resuscitated. Recent data support shifting away from crystalloid and toward early resuscitation with blood products because of worse coagulopathy and clinical outcomes in injured patients resuscitated with crystalloid. Multicenter studies have found improved survival in injured children who receive balanced resuscitation with higher fresh frozen plasma: red blood cell ratios. Whole blood is an efficient way to achieve balanced resuscitation in critically injured children with limited intravenous access and decreased exposure to multiple donors. Administration of cold-stored, low-titer O-negative whole blood (LTOWB) appears to be safe in adults and children and may be associated with improved survival in children with life-threatening hemorrhage. Many pediatric centers use RhD-negative LTOWB for all female children because of the risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (0-6%); however. there is a scarcity of LTOWB compared with the demand. Low risks of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn affecting a future pregnancy must be weighed against high mortality rates in delayed blood product administration in children in hemorrhagic shock. Survey studies involving key stakeholder's opinions on pediatric blood transfusion practices are underway. Existing pediatric-specific literature on trauma resuscitation is often limited and underpowered; multicenter prospective studies are urgently needed to define optimal resuscitation products and practices in injured children in an era of increasing penetrating trauma.
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