Physician health and wellness is a complex topic relevant to all pediatricians. Survey studies have established that pediatricians experience burnout at comparable rates to colleagues across medical specialties. Prevalence of burnout increased for all pediatric disciplines from 2011 to 2014. During that time, general pediatricians experienced a more than 10% increase in burnout, from 35.3% to 46.3%. Pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists experienced slightly higher baseline rates of burnout in 2011 and similarly increased to just under 50%. Women currently constitute a majority of pediatricians, and surveys report a 20% to 60% higher prevalence of burnout in women physicians compared with their male counterparts. The purpose of this report is to update the reader and explore approaches to pediatrician well-being and reduction of occupational burnout risk throughout the stages of training and practice. Topics covered include burnout prevalence and diagnosis; overview of national progress in physician wellness; update on physician wellness initiatives at the American Academy of Pediatrics; an update on pediatric-specific burnout and well-being; recognized drivers of burnout (organizational and individual); a review of the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender, and burnout; protective factors; and components of wellness (organizational and individual). The development of this clinical report has inevitably been shaped by the social, cultural, public health, and economic factors currently affecting our communities. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has layered new and significant stressors onto medical practice with physical, mental, and logistical challenges and effects that cannot be ignored.
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