Lesion formation after soft tissue gingival grafting is a rare but challenging clinical scenario to manage. This report presents a unique case of cyst formation after connective tissue grafting. All previously reported cases are confined to the mandibular labial lateral-canine space, whereas the present case is the first found in the maxilla. These cysts manifest clinically 9 months to 1.5 years after grafting and may communicate with the surface, as evidenced by sinus tract or cystic discharge. Because of the unique nature of these lesions with respect to clinical history, appearance, symptoms, and location, the differential diagnosis should be limited. The treatment recommendation is complete surgical excision, which should eliminate the risk of recurrence. In this report, a novel case is presented, and the literature is reviewed to discuss etiology and provide treatment recommendations. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2023;43:257-263. doi: 10.11607/prd.5300.