The family Yadokariviridae, with the genera Alphayadokarivirus and Betayadokarivirus, includes capsidless non-segmented positive-sense (+) RNA viruses that hijack capsids from phylogenetically distant double-stranded RNA viruses. Yadokarivirids likely replicate inside the hijacked heterocapsids using their own RNA-directed RNA polymerase, mimicking dsRNA viruses despite their phylogenetic placement in a (+) RNA virus lineage. Yadokarivirids can have negative or positive impacts on their host fungi, through interactions with the capsid donor dsRNA viruses. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) report on the family Yadokariviridae, which is available at
Keywords: ICTV Report; Yadokariviridae; taxonomy.