Correction of rhodopsin serial crystallography diffraction intensities for a lattice-translocation defect

Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2023 Mar 1;79(Pt 3):224-233. doi: 10.1107/S2059798323000931. Epub 2023 Feb 27.


Rhodopsin is a G-protein-coupled receptor that detects light and initiates the intracellular signalling cascades that underpin vertebrate vision. Light sensitivity is achieved by covalent linkage to 11-cis retinal, which isomerizes upon photo-absorption. Serial femtosecond crystallography data collected from rhodopsin microcrystals grown in the lipidic cubic phase were used to solve the room-temperature structure of the receptor. Although the diffraction data showed high completeness and good consistency to 1.8 Å resolution, prominent electron-density features remained unaccounted for throughout the unit cell after model building and refinement. A deeper analysis of the diffraction intensities uncovered the presence of a lattice-translocation defect (LTD) within the crystals. The procedure followed to correct the diffraction intensities for this pathology enabled the building of an improved resting-state model. The correction was essential to both confidently model the structure of the unilluminated state and interpret the light-activated data collected after photo-excitation of the crystals. It is expected that similar cases of LTD will be observed in other serial crystallography experiments and that correction will be required in a variety of systems.

Keywords: G protein-coupled receptors; lattice-translocation defects; lipidic cubic phase; membrane proteins; serial crystallography.