Background: Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) is a rare headache disorder that has been associated with pituitary adenomas. Resection has been posited to be curative.
Observations: A 60-year-old female presented with a 10-year history of SUNCT, which had been medically refractory. Sellar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a 2 × 2 mm nodule in the right anterolateral aspect of the pituitary. Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary microadenoma with neuronavigation was performed. The patient felt immediate relief from the headaches. Postoperative MRI showed persistence of the pituitary microadenoma and the resection tract to be inferomedial to the lesion. The right middle and partial superior turbinectomy site was close to the sphenopalatine foramen (SPF). The patient was discharged on postoperative day 1 and remained headache-free without any medications at the 4-month follow-up.
Lessons: Resection of pituitary lesions associated with SUNCT may not necessarily be the cause of SUNCT resolution. Manipulation of the middle and superior turbinate close to the SPF may lead to a pterygopalatine ganglion block. This may be the mechanism of cure for SUNCT in patients with related pituitary lesions who undergo endonasal resection.
Keywords: SUNCT; SUNHA; pituitary microadenoma; pterygopalatine ganglion block.