Background: Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) is crucial for People Living With HIV (PLWH). In Italy, ART is delivered by Hospital Pharmacies, on a renewable prescription from the hospital physician. The measurement of package-refill (the rate of ART packages actually collected out of those to be collected in order to comply with therapy) is an effective tool to evaluate the adherence.During COVID-19 outbreak, at "D. Cotugno" hospital in Naples, Italy, the ART delivery policies have been adapted, in order to reduce the number of patients' access. We analysed the impact of these changes on the pill-refill of ART in January-August 2020, compared with 2018-2019.
Methods: "D. Cotugno" hospital is a mono-specialistic Infectious Diseases hospital, caring for about 2500 PLWH. Since February 2020, the hospital was almost entirely dedicated to COVID-19 patients. All out-patient activities were interrupted, except for those dedicated to HIV/AIDS patients.In this preliminary study we included all patients assigned to one of the three Medical Divisions dedicated to HIV, who were already under treatment since at least 2017. Rate of package-refill was obtained by the Hospital Pharmacy registry, demographic and clinical data were derived from clinical database.During COVID-19, many measures were adopted in order to increase safety of PLWH attending to hospital. Among these, medical prescription validity increased from 4 to 6 months, and number of packages to be collected increased from 2 to 4, adopting a multi-month dispensing strategy.Package-refill is adequate if at least 95% of ART have been actually collected; partial and inadequate if 75%-94% or less than 75% of ART, respectively, have been collected. Package-refill was measured during the first year of COVID-19 (March 2020 - February 2021), compared to the same period in the two years before.
Results: A total of 594 PLWH were included. PLWH with optimal pill-refill significantly increased in 2020-21 compared to 2018-2020 (62% vs 55%, p 0.013).
Discussion: Due to COVID-19, we would have expected a reduction in ART deliveries. Surprisingly, the opposite occurred. The increase of pill-refill rates may be due to different reasons, but we hypothesized that the adaption of delivery policies, with a higher number of packages allowed to be collected, strongly contributed to this result. This study suggests that multi-month dispensing policies may contribute to the improvement of adherence among PLWH.
Keywords: Adherence; Antiretroviral Therapy; COVID-19; HIV/AIDS; Multi-month dispensing; Package-refill.