Despite advances in recent decades, health inequalities faced by sexual, gender and gendered minorities remain poorly recognized. Yet the barriers to accessing prevention and care encountered by these populations are widely documented in international literature. The health of LGBTI+ people is still largely understood and structured as a sexual health issue related to sexually transmitted infections, leaving other crucial issues in the background. Some questions remain hidden, in particular the realities experienced by bisexual, lesbian, intersex people, as well as the diversity of transidentities. This issue is a first on several levels. It is indeed the first time that a scientific journal publishes a collection of this scope in the French-speaking world. Moreover, the issue brings together contributions that reflect the diversity of actors and actresses in this field. Finally, the issue's French-speaking focus allows for diversified geographical insights. This issue is structured around three main parts: 1) Thinking, categorizing: from research to health promotion; 2) Describing health realities: apprehending needs and understanding obstacles; 3) Intervening in the field of sexual, gender and gendered minorities health.