In order to promote the application of WFAS standard, General Requirements for the Risk Control in the Safe Use of Acupuncture and the safe practice of acupuncture technology worldwide, the paper introduces the developing process and main contents of this standard, explains the developing purpose, scope, ideas, methods and basis, and analyzes the definition of the relevant terms. Through strictly complied with the development procedure of standard, the terms related to acupuncture risk in this standard are defined. The connotations of 5 special terms are clarified, i.e. "acupuncture risks" "adverse events of acupuncture" "adverse reactions of acupuncture" "acupuncture accidents" and "acupuncture negligence". The range, rank, control flow and source of risk, as well as the control measures are determined. The standard extracts the underlying common problems and basic requirement of the safe practice of acupuncture so as to lay a framework for the development of the relevant technical standards of acupuncture.
Keywords: acupuncture; acupuncture accident; acupuncture negligence; adverse event; adverse reaction; risk; safe; standard.