Our consultations are saturated by an influx of requests from young people - and very often from their parents - for whom the binarity of the boy/girl classification has been shattered, and whose only watchword is: "I choose my gender, my sexuality, my body, my way of being, of moving and representing myself, I want to become what I am". For them, anatomy is no longer a fatality: hormones, mutilating and restorative surgeries, increasingly sophisticated aesthetic techniques make it possible to adapt their body and their gender to their intimate aspirations. Psychological support must help these patients to explore their gender identity, and allow them to live it as well as possible in their social and family environment.
Keywords: Fluidité de genre; Gender fluidity; Gender incongruence; Incongruence de genre; Psychotherapy; Psychothérapie; Transidentity; Transidentité.
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