1 From the Aix-Marseille Univ (B.T., J.-P.S.), CNRS, CRMBM, UMR 7339; APHM La Timone (B.T., J.-P.S.), CEMEREM; and APHM La Timone (B.T., A.M., J.-P.S., J.-F.H.), Department of Neuroradiology, Marseille, France. benoit.testud@ap-hm.fr.
2 From the Aix-Marseille Univ (B.T., J.-P.S.), CNRS, CRMBM, UMR 7339; APHM La Timone (B.T., J.-P.S.), CEMEREM; and APHM La Timone (B.T., A.M., J.-P.S., J.-F.H.), Department of Neuroradiology, Marseille, France.