The concept of building logically functional networks employing spintronics or magnetic heterostructures is becoming more and more popular today. Incorporating logical segments into a circuit needs physical bonds between the magnetic molecules or clusters involved. In this framework, we systematically study ultrafast laser-induced spin-manipulation scenarios on a closed system of three carbon chains to which three Ni atoms are attached. After the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling and an external magnetic field, different ultrafast spin dynamics scenarios involving spin-flip and long-distance spin-transfer processes are achieved by various appropriately well-tailored time-resolved laser pulses within subpicosecond timescales. We additionally study the various effects of an external magnetic field on spin-flip and spin-transfer processes. Moreover, we obtain spin-dynamics processes induced by a double laser pulse, rather than a single one. We suggest enhancing the spatial addressability of spin-flip and spin-transfer processes. The findings presented in this article will improve our knowledge of the magnetic properties of carbon-based magnetic molecular structures. They also support the relevant experimental realization of spin dynamics and their potential applications in future molecular spintronics devices.
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