The current methods used for producing triploid Atlantic salmon are generally reliable but not infallible, and each batch of triploids must be validated to ensure consumer trust and licensing compliance. Microsatellites have recently been shown to offer a cheaper and more convenient alternative to traditional flow cytometry for triploidy validation in a commercial setting. However, incubating eggs to at least the eyed stage for microsatellite validation poses challenges, such as reduced quality and performance of triploids produced from later eggs in the stripping season. To address these issues, we propose another option: extracting DNA from recently fertilised eggs for use in conjunction with microsatellite validation. To achieve this, we have developed an optimized protocol for HotSHOT extraction that can rapidly and cheaply extract DNA from Atlantic salmon eggs, which can then be used for triploidy validation through microsatellites. Our approach offers a simpler and more cost-effective way to validate triploidy, without the need for skilled dissection or expensive kits.
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