Hereditary transthyretin (TTR) amyloid polyneuropathy is an autosomal dominant life-threatening disorder. TTR is produced mainly by the liver but also by the choroid plexus and retinal pigment epithelium. Detailed clinical characterisation, identification of clinical red flags for misdiagnosis, and use of biomarkers enable early diagnosis and treatment. In addition to liver transplantation and TTR stabilisers, three other disease-modifying therapies have regulatory approval: one antisense oligonucleotide (inotersen) and two small interfering RNAs (siRNAs; patisiran and vutrisiran). The siRNAs have been shown to stop progression of neuropathy and improve patients' quality of life. As none of the disease-modifying therapies can cross the blood-brain barrier, TTR deposition in the CNS, which can cause stroke and cognitive impairment, remains an important unaddressed issue. CRISPR-Cas9-based one-time TTR editing therapy is being investigated in a phase 1 clinical study. Identification of the earliest stages of pathogenesis in TTR variant carriers is a major challenge that needs addressing for optimal management.
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