Exposure to radiation oncology in medical school curricula is limited; thus, mentorship and research opportunities like the Dr. Pamela Catton Summer Studentship Program attempt to bridge this gap and stimulate interest in the specialty. In 2021, the studentship was redesigned as virtual research, mentorship, and case-based discussions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study explores the impact of COVID-19 on the studentship, on students' perceptions of the program, and on medical training and career choice. Fifteen studentship completion essays during 2021-2022 were obtained and anonymized. Thematic analysis was performed to interpret the essays with NVivo. Two independent reviewers coded the essays. Themes were established by identifying connections between coded excerpts. Consensus was achieved through multiple rounds of discussion and iteratively reviewing each theme. Representative quotes were used to illustrate the themes. The themes confirmed the studentship was feasible during the pandemic. Perceived benefits of the program included mentorship and networking opportunities; gaining practical and fundamental knowledge in radiation oncology; developing clinical and research skills; and creating positive attitudes towards radiation oncology and the humanistic aspect of the field. The studentship supported medical specialty selection by helping define student values, shaping perceptions of the specialty, and promoting self-reflection upon students' personal needs. This study informs future iterations of the studentship to promote radiation oncology in Canadian medical school curricula. It serves as a model for studentships in other specialties that have limited exposure and similar challenges with medical student recruitment.
Keywords: Education; Medical specialty selection; Medical students; Radiation oncology; Studentship.
© 2023. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to American Association for Cancer Education.