Entrainment and photic driving effects triggered by repetitive visual stimulation are long-established in clinical and therapeutic scenarios. Nonetheless, such stimulation patterns are typically bound to stationary clinical and laboratory applications. We investigated the effects of repetitive stimulation with a new dynamic auditory-visual stimulation pattern using a novel consumer-grade stimulation device for home application.Fourteen volunteers (study group) received 16 sessions of combined auditory-visual stimulation during four weeks. An additional control group (seven volunteers) received auditory-only stimulation for two sessions. From 64-channel electroencephalography recordings, we compared individual alpha peak frequencies (iAPF) between week one and week four as well as power values from the time-frequency analysis.The novel stimulation device yielded stable entrainment and resonance effects for all investigated stimulation frequencies. Both groups showed no differences in their iAPFs between weeks one and four. The power comparison suggests that there are similar entrainment and resonance effects in week one and week four within the study group.We conclude that the novel portable consumer-grade stimulation device is suitable for home-based auditory-visual stimulation leading to consistent entrainment and resonance effects over the course of 16 stimulation sessions over four weeks.