Healthcare Provider Confidence and Perceived Barriers to Diagnosing Illness Associated with Harmful Algal Blooms

AJPM Focus. 2023 Oct 5;3(1):100154. doi: 10.1016/j.focus.2023.100154. eCollection 2024 Feb.


Introduction: Illnesses caused by harmful algal blooms can vary in clinical presentation and severity depending on the types of algae, cyanobacteria, or toxins involved as well as the route and extent of exposure. These illnesses are primarily diagnoses of exclusion owing to lack of access to clinical testing for harmful algal bloom toxins. We used a national survey of healthcare providers to explore self-reported confidence and perceived barriers to diagnosing harmful algal bloom-associated illnesses.

Methods: We conducted a descriptive analysis (SAS 9.4) of 2 questions from a national survey of healthcare providers administered September 14-October 26, 2020 (N=1,503). Chi-square tests were used to assess differences between groups, with statistical significance defined as p<0.05.

Results: Most (68%) providers reported little to no confidence in their ability to identify illnesses caused by harmful algal blooms, 17% were confident or very confident, and 15% reported not seeing patients with these illnesses. Responses differed by specialization, work setting, sex, experience, whether pediatric patients were seen, and number of patients seen. Respondents regularly using resources such as newspapers (31%), professional societies (29%), and government health agencies (26%) reported increased confidence. Of 1,283 (85%) respondents who were asked about barriers to accurately diagnosing patients with these illnesses, 71% selected lack of knowledge about harmful algal bloom-associated illnesses as a barrier.

Conclusions: Provider confidence in identifying harmful algal bloom-associated illnesses was low, and lack of knowledge was identified as a primary barrier, suggesting that more outreach and education are needed. Tailoring information for specific provider audiences and providing it through highly frequented channels could increase providers' confidence in identifying and diagnosing harmful algal bloom-associated illnesses.

Keywords: Health communications; harmful algal blooms; healthcare providers; illness diagnostics.