The condition known as Takayasu's disease or Takayasu's arteritis is a type of vascular inflammation that affects the large and medium arteries. It can lead to a reduction in blood flow to various parts of the body, and it can cause severe complications. Patients with this disease may not have specific symptoms, which can lead to their diagnosis not being confirmed. Takayasu's disease is believed to be a probable cause of stroke in young patients. Although stroke is a common cause of morbidity, it is usually not an initial presentation in Takayasu's disease. In this study, a young female with left-sided hemiparesis was diagnosed with Takayasu's disease after a clinical and angiographic examination.
Keywords: autoimmune vasculitis; cerebrovascular accident (stroke); ischemic stoke; stroke in the young; takayasu disease.
Copyright © 2023, Raval et al.