Up to 71% of lung cancer patients admitted to the ICU are newly diagnosed. The decision to initiate cancer directed treatments in lung cancer patients admitted to the ICU remains complex. For those with identified oncogene driver mutations, targeted therapies with rapid and high response rates are attractive treatment options. However, mechanically ventilated patients face additional barriers in which enteral tube administration of oral therapies may require tablets or capsules to be crushed or opened and diluted. Data on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of this alternative route of administration are often very limited. Here we describe the first case report of an intubated patient with newly diagnosed NSCLC who was successfully treated with opened dabrafenib capsules and crushed trametinib tablets administered through a nasogastric tube. We also provide a review of the existing literature on feeding tube administration of commonly used tyrosine kinase inhibitors in lung cancer. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors administered through feeding tubes can lead to a clinically meaningful recovery in critically ill patients.
Keywords: BRAF mutation; Critically ill patient; Dabrafenib; Feeding tube; Intensive care unit; Mechanical ventilation; Nonsmall cell lung cancer; Targeted therapy; Trametinib.
Published by Elsevier Inc.