Hypertension affects about 1.28 billion adults globally, and significantly increases the risk of chronic morbidity and mortality among sufferers. About 15% of these individuals have secondary hypertension, the majority of whom have dysfunction of one or more endocrine systems as the cause of hypertension. Although adrenal disorders are often identified as the cause of endocrine hypertension, extra-adrenal disease and pituitary disorders also can cause the disease. Timely diagnosis is of paramount importance, because of the potential for a surgical cure or optimal disease control with pharmacotherapy to prevent hypertensive complications. Even with its relatively high prevalence compared with many other chronic illnesses, the diagnosis of endocrine hypertension is often delayed or never made because of poor awareness about the disease among physicians. This review attempts to provide an overview of the disease, with some practical aspects of diagnosis and management of a few of the important disorders causing endocrine hypertension.
Keywords: Cushing's syndrome; Endocrine hypertension; adrenal disorders; monogenic hypertension; pheochromocytoma; primary aldosteronism (PA).
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