Objectives: Cowden syndrome (CS) is a multisystem disease with an elevated lifetime risk of internal malignancy. We aim to assess the role of PTEN immunostain as a screening test for CS in a variety of common CS-associated neoplasms, with a particular focus on cutaneous tumors.
Methods: We retrospectively searched for patients meeting criteria for CS and/or demonstrating germline PTEN mutation from 2008 to 2022. We then performed PTEN immunostains on tumors of these patients as well as control cases.
Results: Our study included 30 patients with CS who had a total of 25 CS-associated malignancies (13 thyroid, 8 breast, and 4 endometrial carcinomas). Specifically, there were 11 patients with biopsy-confirmed CS-associated cutaneous neoplasms, including 1 patient with multiple trichilemmomas and 3 with multiple sclerotic fibromas. In total, 45 CS-associated tumors (6 trichilemmomas, 7 sclerotic fibromas, 5 thyroid carcinomas, 18 adenomatous thyroid nodules, 6 breast carcinomas, and 3 endometrial carcinomas) and 31 non-CS cases (9 trichilemmomas, 5 sclerotic fibromas, 8 adenomatous thyroid nodules, and 3 thyroid, 3 breast, and 3 endometrial carcinomas) were available for PTEN immunohistochemical staining. PTEN expression was lost in 43 (96%) of 45 CS-associated lesions and retained in 30 (97%) of 31 sporadic tumors. The overall sensitivity and specificity of PTEN loss of expression as a screening test for CS were 96% and 97%, respectively.
Conclusions: PTEN immunohistochemistry on CS-associated tumors, especially trichilemmomas, can serve as a readily accessible and cost-effective screening test for CS.
Keywords: Cowden syndrome; PTEN; breast; endometrium; immunohistochemistry; sclerotic fibroma; thyroid; trichilemmoma.
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