Myocardium salvaged by early thrombolysis and then perfused through a residual stenosis may be at risk for ischemic events. To investigate this possibility, the short-term (2-week) clinical course of 81 consecutive patients managed within a randomized intracoronary thrombolysis trial was reviewed. All patients underwent coronary angiography within 5 hours of symptoms of acute myocardial infarction and were stratified into the following 3 outcome groups: patients with initially subtotal occlusion (subtotal group, n = 17), those with initial total occlusion and infarct artery reperfusion (reperfused group, n = 24) and those with continued infarct artery occlusion (occluded group, n = 40). Recurrent ischemic events were defined as spontaneous typical angina, provokable angina on predischarge exercise testing, and reinfarction. Eleven of 17 patients (65%) in the subtotal and 11 of 23 patients (48%) in the reperfused groups had an ischemic event (difference not significant). In contrast, 4 of 37 patients (11%) with occlusion had an ischemic event (p less than 0.01 compared with patients in the subtotal or reperfused groups). Four patients were excluded because of early (within 72 hours) elective coronary bypass surgery or death from pump failure. To eliminate the impact of multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD), 39 patients with 1-vessel CAD were analyzed separately. Five of 9 patients (56%) in the subtotal group, 3 of 10 (30%) in the reperfused group and only 2 of 20 (10%) in the occluded group had an ischemic event. These observations suggest the need for a more definitive revascularization strategy for acute myocardial infarction.