There is a growing demand for technologies able to decrease the environmental impact of agricultural activities without penalizing quali-quantitative characteristics of productions. In the case of viticulture, one of the key problems is represented by the spray drift during fungicide treatments. The diffusion in operational farming contexts of technologies based on variable-rate and recycling tunnel sprayers is often limited by their cost and, for the latter, by their size and lower maneuverability, representing clear disadvantages especially in case of small farms or in hilly and mountain areas. We present a new digital technology implemented in a mobile app that supports the reduction of both the number of treatments and the amount of fungicide distributed per treatment. The technology is based (i) on an alert system that prevents unneeded treatments in case of no risk of infection and (ii) on the quantification of the optimal amounts of active ingredients and dilution water based on the sprayer type/settings and on leaf area index values estimated with a common smartphone. An internal database allows to adjust (in case of need) the active ingredient dose to assure full compliance with product's legal requirements. In case of heterogeneity in leaf area index values inside the vineyard, prescription maps are generated. Results from a 2-year case study in a vineyard in northern Italy are shown, where the system allowed to reduce by 26.4 % and 27.4 % (mean of two years), respectively, the seasonal amounts of fungicides and dilution water, and by 43.8 % the copper content in must. The high usability of the technology proposed (just a common smartphone is needed) and the fact that it does not require updating the farm machine park highlights the suitability of the proposed solution for operational farming conditions, including premium wine production districts often characterized by small farms in hilly areas.
Keywords: Downy mildew; Leaf area index; PocketLAI; Powdery mildew; Spray drift.
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