c-Fos, a member of the immediate early gene, serves as a widely used marker of neuronal activation induced by various types of brain damage. In addition, c-Fos is believed to play a regulatory role in DNA damage repair. This paper reviews the literature on c-Fos' involvement in the regulation of DNA damage repair and indicates that genes of the Fos family can be induced by various forms of DNA damage. In addition, cells lacking c-Fos have difficulties in DNA repair. c-Fos is involved in tumorigenesis and progression as a proto-oncogene that maintains cancer cell survival, which may also be related to DNA repair. c-Fos may impact the repair of DNA damage by regulating the expression of downstream proteins, including ATR, ERCC1, XPF, and others. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanisms necessitate further exploration.
Keywords: DNA damage; DNA repair; c‐Fos.
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