Many individuals who experience a stroke exhibit reduced modulation of their mediolateral foot placement, an important gait stabilization strategy. One factor that may contribute to this deficit is altered somatosensory processing, which can be probed by applying vibration to the involved muscles (e.g., the hip abductors). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether appropriately controlled hip abductor vibration can increase foot placement modulation among people with chronic stroke. 40 people with chronic stroke performed a series of treadmill walking trials without vibration and with vibration of either the hip abductors or lateral trunk (a control condition) that scaled with their real-time mediolateral motion. To assess participants' vibration sensitivity, we also measured vibration detection threshold and lateral sway evoked by abductor vibration during quiet standing. As a group, foot placement modulation increased significantly with either hip or trunk vibration, compared to without vibration. However, these changes were quite variable across participants, and were not predicted by either vibration detection threshold or the lateral sway evoked by hip vibration during standing. Overall, we found that somatosensory stimulation had small, positive effects on post-stroke foot placement modulation. Unexpectedly, these effects were observed with both hip abductor and lateral trunk vibration, perhaps indicating that the trunk can also provide useful somatosensory feedback during walking. Future work is needed to determine whether repeated application of such somatosensory stimulation can produce sustained effects on this important gait stabilization strategy.
Keywords: Balance; Gait; Sensory augmentation; Stroke.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.