1 Emeritus professor UCT (former dean), emeritus editor SAMJ. jpvn@iafrica.com.
2 Neurosurgeon, former chair of the Stellenbosch University Council, companies' director, environmentalist. dr@cluver.co.za.
3 Anaesthesiologist, founder and past chairman of Mediclinic International. edwin.hertzog@37dorp.co.za.
4 Emeritus professor Stellenbosch, former Executive Head Paediatrics and Child Health, Stellenbosch, Paediatric oncologist, ethicist. ugqirha@iafrica.com.
5 Distinguished Professor WHO Collaborating Centre of Bioethics Division of Medical Ethics and Law, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. km@sun.ac.za.
6 Emeritus professor, University of Cape Town (former head of School of Public Health and Family Medicine). myers.jonny@gmail.com.
7 Emeritus professor, University of Cape Town, obstetrician and gynaecologist, emeritus editor SAMJ. profdjn@gmail.com.
8 Family practice in Uitenhage; advisor in the medical insurance/ managed care industry; chairman of SAMA East Cape branch; SAMA federal councillor; elected member of the HPCSA. drajsnyman@live.com.