Sub-mesoscale and mesoscale (i.e., 1-10 km and 10-200 km, respectively) ocean processes are highly relevant for the understanding of global circulation, mixing of water masses and energy exchange between ocean layers. However, the processes happening at these scales are hard to be characterized using direct measurements of temperature and salinity. Direct measurements are obtained from vertical probes and/or autonomous vehicles, which, despite their high vertical resolution, are sparsely located in space and therefore unable to capture spatial details at these scales. Seismic oceanography (SO) data have been successfully used to imaging and characterize the ocean at these spatial scales. These data represent indirect measurements of the ocean temperature and salinity along kilometric transects with high horizontal resolution (i.e., a near-synaptic view of the system under investigation), but lower vertical resolution when compared with direct observations. Despite its complex oceanographic setting, the Madeira Abyssal Plain is still largely uncharacterized due to the lack of direct observations. We show for the first time a comprehensive processing, modelling and interpretation of three 2-D seismic oceanography sections from this region. The data show coherent seismic reflection in space, depth and time and shed light into this oceanographic setting with an unprecedent horizontal resolution. The SO modelling and interpretation are combined with existing direct measurements and a quantitative method to correlate thermohaline staircases interpreted from conductivity-temperature-depth casts and seismic reflections is proposed. The results show the relatively stable presence of thermohaline staircases in simultaneously time and space between 1200 and 2000 m of water depth and their spatial variability and contribute to the generalization of SO in physical oceanography.
© 2024. The Author(s).