Infants experience the world through their actions with objects and their interactions with other people, especially their parents. Prior research has shown that school-age children with hearing loss experience poorer quality interactions with typically hearing parents, yet little is known about parent-child interactions between toddlers with hearing loss and their parents early in life. In the current study, we used mobile eye-tracking to investigate parent-child interactions in toddlers with and without hearing loss (mean ages: 19.42 months, SD = 3.41 months). Parents and toddlers engaged in a goal-directed, interactive task that involved inserting coins into a slot and required joint coordination between the parent and the child. Overall, findings revealed that deaf toddlers demonstrate typical action skills in line with their hearing peers and engage in similar interactions with their parents during social interactions. Findings also revealed that deaf toddlers explored objects more and showed more temporal stability in their motor movements (i.e. less variation in their timing across trials) than hearing peers, suggesting further adaptability of the deaf group to their atypical sensory environment rather than poorer coordination. In contrast to previous research, findings suggest an intact ability of deaf toddlers to coordinate their actions with their parents and highlight the adaptability within dyads who have atypical sensory experiences.
Keywords: Dual mobile eye-tracking; hearing loss; joint action; parent–child interaction; social-cognitive development.