During a follow-up period of 3 years, among a consecutive series of 423 patients who gave informed consent for recatheterization both 1 and 3 years after coronary artery bypass grafting, the incidence of severely symptomatic patients with New York Heart Association class III or IV was 19% (79 of 423). The predictive value of approximately 80 clinical, angiographic and perioperative variables was too low to be of clinical value. Adverse clinical outcome was associated with a high closure rate of the grafts. Forty-six percent of the patients could not undergo reoperation because of unsuitable coronary anatomy. With intensive medical therapy half of these patients improved to functional class I or II, while of those patients who were reoperable 32% improved to class I or II with intensive pharmacologic treatment instead of reoperation. The nonresponders underwent reoperation, which resulted in improvement of symptoms to functional class I or II in most (83%).