The continuation of bone-modifying agents (BMAs) in patients with established medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a common concern among dentists and oncologists. There is little evidence supporting or refuting the continued use of BMAs or drug holidays and their impact on established MRONJ. This paper evaluates the outcome of continued BMAs use on the patient's MRONJ status. A retrospective review of 29 oncology patients undergoing active cancer care for either metastatic disease or multiple myeloma was conducted. Data on demographics, oncological status, BMA history and MRONJ status were collected. In total, 90% of patients were judged to have healed or stable MRONJ while continuing BMAs. Most patients (69%) continued the same BMA regime (three- or four-weekly) that they were on before developing MRONJ. The average number of BMAs doses received after an MRONJ diagnosis was 12 (range 1-48). Three patients (10.3%) were found to have MRONJ progression, with two patients developing new sites of necrosis. This real-world dataset suggests that the majority of MRONJ cases remain stable and will not worsen with the continuation of BMAs.
© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association.