The objective was to investigate the association between the school context and the occurrence of multiple partners among adolescents, considering individual variables (age, gender, Bolsa Família, LGB, early sexual initiation and use of alcohol or drugs in the last sex). Cross-sectional study with multilevel analysis carried out in 2018 with adolescent students from Olinda, Brazil. The variable (multiple partners) was collected based on the 'Youth Risk Behavior Survey' questionnaire. School context variables were time in school (regular school vs. full/semi-full school) and the Social Vulnerability Index of the school district. Of 2,500 participants, 1,044 were analyzed for being sexually active and most had two or more partners (63.89%). Regular school students were more likely (OR 1.47, CI 1.10-1.97) to have multiple sexual partners compared to those in full-day schools/half-day schools. However, no association was found in relation to the SVI of the schools' neighborhoods (OR 1.18, IC 0.82-1.70). More time spent at school was associated with fewer chances of multiple sexual partners, while studying in schools located in highly vulnerable neighborhoods was not associated with the occurrence of multiple sexual partners among adolescents.
O estudo investiga a associação entre o contexto escolar e a ocorrência de múltiplos parceiros entre adolescentes, considerando as variáveis individuais. Estudo transversal com análise multinível, realizado no período de fevereiro a junho de 2018 com estudantes de 14 a 19 anos. A variável desfecho (múltiplos parceiros sexuais) foi coletada com base no questionário Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). As variáveis do contexto escolar foram tempo na escola (escola regular vs escola integral/semi-integral) e índice de vulnerabilidade social (IVS) do bairro onde a escola está localizada. De 2.500 participantes, 1.044 foram analisados por serem sexualmente ativos. A maioria dos adolescentes (63,89%) teve dois ou mais parceiros. Estudantes de escola regular (mínimo de 4h diárias) tiveram mais chances (OR 1.47, IC 1.10-1.97) de terem múltiplos parceiros sexuais quando comparados àqueles de escola integral/semi-integral (mínimo de 7h diárias). Porém, não houve associação em relação ao IVS dos bairros das escolas (OR 1.18, IC 0.82-1.70). Maior tempo na escola esteve associado a menor chance de múltiplos parceiros sexuais, enquanto estudar em escolas localizadas em bairro de alta vulnerabilidade não esteve associado à ocorrência de múltiplos parceiros sexuais entre adolescentes.